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The Evil Within 2

After the well-received first game The Evil Within 2 is available in stores since October 13th 2017, so it is time to return to this survival-horror series. The Evil Within 2 is playable on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Prepare yourself for many hours of gruesome horror, while you try to battle all sorts of monsters and demons!

The story

In The Evil Within 2 you play Sebastian Castellanos, a man who has deep-rooted mental problems, and he is slowly, but certainly, reaching the point of just letting go on an emotional bases. In the already exiting chaos in his head he needs to save his daughter, and protect her from harm’s way. To recover your daughter you need to dive into a world of your worst nightmares during which you will discover the truth behind an idyllist city to get closer to the truth. To save your daughter you also need to work together with an organization called Mobius, an organization that is responsible for the downward spiral where Sebastian is in. Expect that the path to save your daughter is perilous, and it is filled with the most horrifying creatures that ever walked your TV-screen. You can choose to evade every demonic confrontation or you can choose to go weapons first into battle.

A horrifying experience

The Evil Within 2 is developed by Shinji Mikami and the development team of Tango Gameworks; teamed together they provide players with an utterly unforgettable videogame experience, jump scares included. The Evil Within 2 is the perfect combination of a survival-horror game combined with a psychological thriller, and we have to be honest, your heartbeat will increase more than just once while fighting the demons in this game. Just excellent!

What to expect in The Evil Within 2

  • An elaborate story about salvation, nightmares and insanity that leads to saving Sebastian Castellanos’ and his daughter’s life.
  • Get ready for a world where nothing is what it seems, and where there are monsters behind every corner, because the evil in this game is everywhere.
  • Make your own choices when it comes down to the way you want to fight your way through this game, because you can choose whether to fight or to evade every possible confrontation with your (inner) demons. You can even choose weapons with a very limited amount of ammo in them, which makes your whole journey more exciting than ever before.
  • You will get confronted by legions of the most hideous creatures and demons you have ever faced in a survival-horror game, but you will do it to save your daughter’s live.
Source: Bethesda Softworks

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