The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind

Not a new game, but an expansion
In upcoming years the fans of The Elder Scrolls will see that their favourite game is going to expand elaborately. “Expansion” is not really the right word though, because according to the developers of the Elder Scrolls franchise the upcoming games should be called “chapters” rather than expansions. The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind is not an endgame-expansion, like some other MMO’s, so the word “chapter” might be better than “expansion” in this case.This first new chapter was released on June 6th 2017 and brought us to the world of Vvardenfell, a land which became famous because of The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind.

Recognizable (in)famous content
The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind unravels 700 years after the story that ended in 2002. When you have played and finished The Elder Scrolls 3 you will recognize the map and all its key-points, so you can see that on all key-points on the map there is something to do when it comes down to playable content. For the fans: Even the Dwemer Ruins are placed on the same spots as before! Fans and newbies alike will be able to find enough gameplay to keep them gaming for hours at an end.
As mentioned before, the story of this new chapter unravels 700 years after The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind, this also means that the Red Mountain volcano has less of an influence on the environment as in the expansions of the game. Nevertheless, you will face a flaming boulder creature which is going to try to ruin your quest. Next to this, there will be forests with mighty mushrooms, Clockwork City makes its return, you will enter a tech factory where you have to battle robot-like creatures and a brand-new path that leads to a dwarf end boss which has the name Colossus.

So, what is new?
The base of the content of this new chapter is fantasy-gaming, and it shows, because this new chapter is full of bizarre, but beautifully designed creatures. Some characters can even summon new enemies, e.g. the new class of creatures, the Warden.The Warden is the first new class which is added to the Elder Scrolls Online. A new class of creatures will take Morrowind to a new level of gaming. The Warden can make use of a great variety of weapons and equipment and they can make use of three different skills; these skills mostly focus on damaging your enemy as much as possible by attacking them with quick spitfires of attacks, and you will also have skills which are great to use whenever you want to attack more than one enemy at once. Next to this, Warden have the ability to heal others. Eventually you can combine all your skills to become the perfect build.

Next to a new class there are also “Battlegrounds” in The Elder Scrolls Online. These Battleground arenas are meant for people who think the great battles in this game are too big and tiring to focus on. In the Battleground arenas you can play with twelve players at once in a more customized manner.
The Morrowind chapter has more content than whatever DLC is out there of The Elder Scrolls. Morrowind is 40% bigger than everything which has been released before and also has a new class of creatures. The two different quests entail 30 hours of gameplay, next to an enormous load of side-quests.
The Morrowind chapter has more content than whatever DLC is out there of The Elder Scrolls. Morrowind is 40% bigger than everything which has been released before and also has a new class of creatures. The two different quests entail 30 hours of gameplay, next to an enormous load of side-quests.
Elder Scrolls for beginners
The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind is a great game for newbies and fans of the genre or the franchise. There is even a tutorial to learn all about how The Elder Scrolls works. Make sure to start conquering this game on June 6th 2017 and become part of a gaming movement!
Source: Bethesda Softworks