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LEGO: Marvel Super Heroes 2

A new year, a new LEGO game, that is the way it goes for years now! This Autumn season brings us the game “LEGO: Marvel Super Heroes 2”, the best combination between your favourite building blocks and the best of Marvel’s super heroes, a combination that works magnificently well. LEGO: Marvel Super Heroes 2 will be released on November 15th 2017 for PC, PlayStation and Xbox One, and in December 2017 for Nintendo Switch.

In a Marvel Universe far, far away…

In LEGO: Marvel Super Heroes 2 you will fight the future in a great variety of different historical settings, but also in the distant future. You get the chance to fight in different worlds. This LEGO game is not based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe or on the comics where Marvel is famous for; the creators of this upcoming LEGO game had a great deal of artistic freedom to develop this original LEGO-Marvel game because of this. The thing we got from LEGO: Marvel Super Heroes 2 is that this game is hilarious, like almost all the LEGO games that were released the last couple of years; there is something to laugh about for everyone in this game.
In this game you fight Kang the Conqueror who is also a time traveller. The settings of your adventure are many different locations, e.g. Ancient Egypt, the Wild West and New York City in the year 2099. 
The playable characters are Cowboy Captain America and Spider-Man 2099, but there are many more characters to discover as you progress in this game. Next to these not well-known characters there are some great classic playable characters: Thor, Hulk, The Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange and many others.

The more, the merrier

Next to the game’s main quest, there is also the option to play together with friends and family in a multiplayer mode. You can play together or against each other.
Source: Marvel Entertainment

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