Splatoon 2

A new console, a new Splatoon
Nintendo’s thought must have been: “A new console, a new Splatoon!” And this is exactly what Switch enthusiasts have gotten to see and play when Splatoon 2 hit shelves on July 21th 2017. The success formula of the first game has been updated to get all the strength there is out of the tiny Nintendo Switch console.
Saving Princess Peach or Zelda became a bit of a bore and a cliché for many gamers, so it was time for Nintendo to come-up with a totally new game concept, and thus the successful evolution of Splatoon on Nintendo consoles started. Gamers got paint guns and got the opportunity to colour their game world in bright colours to conquer battleground from their enemies, and that was one of the big final surprises on the flopped Wii U console, a console which was kind of death, but did not know it yet. Splatoon got weekly downloadables to create a fun and surprisingly addictive gaming experience. Splatoon brings back all the positives of the first Splatoon and adds to the fun.
A family-friendly shooter
In its core Splatoon is a Quake Arena type of game with a Nintendo gravy all over it, because instead of deadly weapons you will use paint guns in the Turf War mode of Splatoon, next to paint brushes and paint rollers, and in team player matches with three other gamers you will fight against your opponent using paint. Splatoon 2 has two new weapons and new gameplay to keep things fresh and addictive for new gamers and gamers who are already familiar with the franchise.
New weapons of choice
There can be played with two pistols which have the name “Splat Dualies”. With these pistols, you can conquer areas quickly, but you can also make cool and pretty effective ‘dodge rolls’; with this cool move you can evade enemies swiftly, the only thing you need to do is roll. When you make use of the big paint roller, you will also get a new special move, because when a character jumps and he or she does a paint attack than you can attack by making a vertical paint stroke instead of a horizontal one which can only damage enemies nearby. When you are grounded again, after your jump, you can once more throw some drops of paint, and you can fire vertically again.
In Splatoon 2 you can also make use of new charge attacks; these types of attacks bring a bit more pizzazz in the game, and this is what the fans of the game and its genre should be living for. Gamers which use the Splay Dualies can even elevate because of the power of these two pistols, as if they are making use of a jet-pack with a build-in grenade launcher; this is a very effective combination since all enemies which are under the paint beam will also get kil…uhm…painted.
Another charge attack resembles a mega rocket launcher with which you can launch grenades on your nearest enemies. The ones who use a paint roller as their weapon of choice can make use of a curling ball, which can be thrown and will leave a trace of paint on its path.
Another charge attack resembles a mega rocket launcher with which you can launch grenades on your nearest enemies. The ones who use a paint roller as their weapon of choice can make use of a curling ball, which can be thrown and will leave a trace of paint on its path.
Splatoon on 6.2 inch
Splatoon works wonderfully on the handheld of the Nintendo Switch. The screen of the Switch handheld needs to be tilted and tumbled from time to time, and on the handheld, it felt even better than with the pro-controller in combination with a television. Maintaining the overview on the little screen is no problem and the graphics look absolutely gorgeous on the handheld of the Switch.