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The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset

The next chapter in The Elder Scrolls Online saga has the name “Summerset”. In this new part of The Elder Scrolls gamers go to the island of Summerset, safe haven of the High Elves. The Order of the High Elves did not have an appearance in The Elder Scrolls saga since 1994. You can also discover the isle Artaeum, haven of the Psijic Order; this Order exists out of a group of wisemen that are older than the Mage Guild.

The future of Tamriel is in danger, and a message is send to bring the heroes of The Elder Scrolls Online together so that they can safe the world of Tamriel. You can explore a huge new world on the map of The Elder Scrolls Online, the story of this chapter will become legendary, there is a new line of Psijic skills that you can master, and crafting jewellery has been added to the gameplay of this new part of the Elder Scrolls Online.

Is The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset for all RPG fans?

Newbies as well as advanced gamers will discover many new things in The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset. This new adventure includes 30 hours of new game content, and this makes Summerset the ultimate addition to the gaming world of The Elder Scrolls Online.

When will this new game be released, and for which gaming platforms?

The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset will be released on May 21st 2018 for PC and June 5th for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

What about the gameplay of Summerset?

The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset has a great and unique chapter structure, and this game has also level scaling, both these features ensure that this addition to The Elder Scrolls saga is very approachable for all types of gamers, but it also ensures that the game is challenging for noobs and advanced gamers alike. The structure of the game also means that gamers with different skills levels can work together side-by-side, and that both parties will have a good challenge, and thus a great gaming experience.

  • Newbies/noobs: they can make their own game character, and they can immediately start with saving the world of Tamriel if they want to. They do not need to play through previous chapters of The Elder Scrolls Online in order to enjoy this new chapter. New players can also make use of a special tutorial that teaches them the basics of Summerset.
  • Advanced players: they can transfer their gaming character to Summerset, but they can also make a new character. After doing so, they can also start enjoying the challenges of Summerset.

What is the plot of Summerset?

Because of the new rules of queen Ayrenn the isle of Summerset is open to people who are not from Summerset and its surroundings, but opening this island’s border also brought a Daedric threat, and this problem hangs above the safe haven of the High Elves as a dark thunder cloud. As a gamer you go to the island of Summerset, you collect other characters that want to join you in battle against the evil forces that destroy the land, and step-by-step you discover a plot that could destroy Tamriel.
Source: Bethesda Softworks

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