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Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition

Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition contains everything that entails the original version of Street Fighter V, but has new gameplay elements and new content, e.g. the Arcade Mode, Extra Battle Mode, new V-trigger actions, a Gallery, and a fully new user-interface.
    Next to all original content you do get more for your money when you would buy Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition. Hereby a list:

  • Arcade Mode
  • Extra Battle Mode
  • New V-trigger actions
  • Gallery
  • New user-interface
  • DLC-fighters from Season 1
  • DLC-fighters from Season 2
In the Arcade Mode fans of the Street Fighter franchise have enough to explore and make their own when it comes down to new and existing modes in this game franchise. Next to this, thirty years of gaming history pass while playing Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition, it is not like any other Street Fighter game you have seen before. You can choose different paths that you can finish in a multiplayers as well as a single mode; in both modes you can finish the game and get great endings and backstories of all the separate characters that Street Fighter V contains. In the Extra Battle Mode it is possible to play exclusive challenges, with these challenges you can earn special in-game currency, called “Fight Money”, with this currency you can buy extra-special costumes for your favourite Street Fighters. All content of Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition get periodically updated and upgraded, but also new fighting challenges and other content.
The original version of Street Fighter V is the only thing you need to get access to the last update of your edition of Street Fighter V. By earning in-game money you can expand the content you own of this game, in this case you can add all gameplay content that has been released since the beginning of this specific Street Fighter game. Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition is meant for gamers who do not want to play so much that they need to play for hours on end to earn enough in-game money to upgrade their game, because the Arcade Edition of this Street Fighter game has all the complete content already added.
In Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition you can dare your friends to battle against you for the fame of it all in the Capcom Pro Tour, and even when you are a gamer that only played the original Street Fighter V you can compete in these battles, because you are placed in the same pool as gamers who play the Arcade Edition of the game. Through the cross-gaming platform PlayStation 4 and PC gamers get united to play Street Fighter V together.

  • New and returning fighters – Well-known returning characters are Birdie and Charlie Nash. New is Necalli, but there are also classic Street Fighters in the Arcade Edition, e.g. Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Cammy, Vega and M. Bison.
  • New added strategies and battle systems – Now there is a V-gauge and an EX-gauge, but also a whole new battle system; because of these additions Street Fighter V is very approachable for all types of gamers, noobs and advanced gamers alike.
  • PlayStation 4 and PC Cross-Platform – It is a first in Street Fighter history that PC gamers can battle against PlayStation 4 gamers.
  • Next Gen Graphics – This is the coolest Street Fighter when it comes down to its graphics, and this is all because of the use of the Unreal Engine 4.
  • Street Fighter DLC fighters – All future DLC fighters will be free to play.
Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition will be released on January 16th 2018 for PC and PlayStation 4.
Source: Street Fighter

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