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After getting some solid PlayStation Exclusives that started out on the PlayStation 2 console up to the PlayStation 4 when it comes down to remakes, and even on PlayStation handhelds, it was time to reboot the God of War franchise. Different from other games in the series this time around Kratos has a son, but he still fights for inner growth, violence and the longing to be a better man. In this game Kratos wants to protect his son in a world full of monsters, creatures and gods, and this world is filled with dead and destruction, blood-shed and chaos. Kratos wants to protect his son from evil, but if he will succeed in doing so is up to gamers…
This God of War game has the most important elements of this gaming franchise, although with improved designs, e.g. the gory brutal fights, the photo realistic graphics, and the plot are more engaging than ever before.
In this God of War reboot Kratos is the mentor of his son; Kratos’ son tries to impress his dad to get respect. In the meantime Kratos explores the dark side of his son’s soul, but in the process he finds out how to control his own rage, and he has to compensate his own shortcomings, but how is he going to do this?
Source: PlayStation
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