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Monster Hunter World

In Monster Hunter World you will become part of a living and breathing eco system; you can explore this universe in your own time and on your own pace. You, as a player of this game, take the role of a hunter. As a hunter you chase bloodthirsty monsters, and you need to take these monsters down one by one, in order to restore the peace in the game world of Monster Hunter World. You can hunt monsters in a solo mode, but also in a multiplayer setting in this edition of the Monster Hunter franchise. This time around it is even possible to play the multiplayer mode between gamers from the west and Japan in a co-op type of gameplay setting; this means that the player base of Monster Hunter gets more and more united, and that is always a great thing.

The release date of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 version of Monster Hunter World is January 26th 2018, and later in 2018 this game will also be released on PC.

The gameplay

Monster Hunter World sends you on a quest to hunt down and fight the most gruesome creatures, during these quests you can also improve your skills. This game also has a loot box system to upgrade your weaponry and armour, by doing so you will get less and less damage throughout the game. The landscape and the inhabitants of the world of Monster Hunter World are key-factors in your gameplay, because these can help you to eventually end on top; you need to play this game strategically so you can become a conqueror, and eventually a winner. For Monster Hunter World you need a good set of strategic brainpower, gaming skills and you need to use the landscape in order to play through this game.

Monster Hunter World in a nutshell

  • Welcome in a New World – You can become a hunter in a New World in Monster Hunter World.
  • Living and breathing environment – You can use the landscape to conquer the environment of this Monster Hunter game. You can lurk the monsters in a booby trap to beat them, but make sure that this strategy does not work against you.
  • Online multiplayer – In case the battle becomes too much for you to handle you can invite three other gamers from the west or Japan in order for them to help you to beat the monster. This feature works because of a server that starts whenever you fire a SOS flare.
  • Hunt to update your armoury – Beat a great variety of monsters and collect armoury and weapons of fallen hunters, and use them to strengthen your position in the game. Become indestructible and conquer the New World.
  • Monster Master – The New World is crowded with bloodthirsty monsters. A new addition in Monster Hunter World is that you can mount these creatures and damage them in a variety of places.
  • Gameplay without loading times – Gamers can travel from one place to another in the huge map of this game, without loading times, and time passes in real-time in Monster Hunter World.
Click here to know more about Monster Hunter World: Iceborne
Monster Hunter World
Source: Monster Hunter

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