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A Way Out

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A Way Out is a new game from the developer of Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, and this game is also a co-op adventure that is best played together, rather than alone. This time around you will embody two prisoners who heroically want to escape from a heavily guarded prison where they are both imprisoned for various reasons. A Way Out can be played either in a single-player mode or a multiplayer one, during both gameplay modes you play either one of the playable in-game characters, but you will enjoy this game the most whenever you play it in the multiplayer mode.

The release date of this game is March 23rd 2018 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
A Way Out two prisoners

Co-op is the coolest

A Way Out promises to be heavily emotion loaded, you are really going to feel for the characters of the game, and you will understand their motives to be in prison, and wanting to escape from it. The developers of this game stated that A Way Out is a unique experience, and in that sense one you have never seen before. This game only gets better when you play in multiplayer co-op mode; when you do you will control either Leo or Vincent, the two main characters of this game; the two of them try to escape the heavily secured prison that they are in, and because of this they form an almost involuntary bond, which changes as the game progresses. Together with your Player Two you will discover what friendship means, how you can count on each other in certain situations, but also what the consequences are of certain choices you make.
multiplayer co-op mode A Way Out
Multiplayer screen on A Way Out

Special features

  • A Way Out can be played online in a co-op mode. In the multiplayer mode it is not necessary to both own the actual game, because you can play through a Friend Pass. The game is the most fun whenever you play it in co-op mode.
  • The whole A Way Out game is meant to play in co-op mode, because you really need each other to escape from prison, but the developer says that this game is absolutely no drop-in/drop-out experience. The game does offer the possibility to play in either couch mode or online co-op.
  • The camera angles of A Way Out are of a rare orientation about what works in these types of games, and in that sense the angles are pretty revolutionary. Both players will have a different, yet unique, high-end experience when they play in co-op mode.
  • As said before, this game is an emotional rollercoaster, because in A Way Out you will get a unique peek in the personal lives and the motivations of the main characters, the interactions between gamers and other in-game characters also adds to this rollercoaster.
  • A Way Out does not know any repetition, because the tempo of this game is like a movie, and in this regard a movie during which no situation gets extended for far too long.
  • Source: Electronic Arts

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