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League of Legends patch 12.9


Every few weeks a patch update for League of Legends comes out. Sometimes these are minor tweaks, other times the updates have a larger impact on gameplay. No exact release times have been announced, but based on previous updates, we can guess that maintenance times - for the most part - will start around 3am PT for NA servers, 5am UK time for EUW servers and 3am CET for EUNE servers. The updates will take about three hours, the servers will be down during that time.

We'll keep an eye on it for you, and have already figured out what's coming in patch 12.9!

Release date and time

LOL Patch 12.9 release time is approaching. According to the official patch schedule shared by Riot Games, LOL Patch 12.9 would come out on May 11. The exact server maintenance start time has not been shared, but based on previous patches, you should expect it at the following times based on your region:

NA Servers: 3 am PT/6 am ET EU West Servers: 4 am UTC/5 am BST EU Northeast Servers: 3 am CET

The downtime usually lasts around 3 hours, if nothing unexpected happens.

Patch 12.9 Notes

The update brings significant balance changes for Ahri, Renata, Olaf, Thresh, and some other Champions. Below, you will find a complete overview of the Patch notes:


  • Charm (E): Cooldown increased from 12 to 14 seconds
  • Spirit Rush (R): Cooldowns increased to 140-115-90 seconds (was 130-105-80 seconds)


  • Concussive Blows (Passive): Stack cooldown decreased to 8-4 seconds (was 8-6 seconds)
  • Unbreakable (E): Damage reduction increased to 35-40-45-50-55% (was 30-32.5-35-37.5-40%)


  • Rampage (Q): bAD ratio increased to 90% (was 85%)
  • Spirit of Dread (W): Cooldown reduced to 14 seconds (was 18 seconds)

Master Yi

  • Highlander (R): Bonus attack speed reduced to 25-35-45 (was 25-45-65)


  • Stats: Base HP lowered to 540 (was 570)


  • Ragnarok (R): AD ratio lowered to 25% (was 30%)


  • Gift of the Drowned Ones (Passive): "Damage stored near multiple enemies" increased to 45% (was 40%)
  • Bone Skewer (Q): Mana cost increased to 74-78-82-86-90 (was 50-55-60-65-70)
  • Death From Below (R): Cooldown shortened to 115-100-85 seconds (was 120-120-100 seconds)

Renata Glasc

  • Stats: Armor lowered to 27 (was 29)
  • Leverage (Passive): Marked damage changed to 1-2% (Lvl 1-9)(+2% per 100 AP) (was 1-3.5% (lvl 1-13) (+1% per 100 AP))
  • Allied damage increased to 1-2% (was 1-3%)


  • Stats: Health growth increased to 97 (was 92), AD growth increased to 4.15 (was 3.75)
  • Battle Roar (W): Base damage per hit increased to 5-20-35-50-65 (was 5-15-25-35-45), Cooldown adjusted to 16-14-12-10-8 seconds (was 13-12-11-10-9 seconds)
  • Dominus (R): base damage increased to 50-100-150 (was 40-80-120)


  • Battle Roar (W): Bonus monster damage lowered to 65-130 (was 85-150)


  • Glory in Death (Passive): Now causes 50% reduced damage to buildings


  • Stats: Base armor increased to 26 (was 23), base move speed increased to 330 (was 325)


  • Stats: Health per 5 lowered to 6.5 (was 7), Health return lowered to 0.13 (was 0.14), Armor lowered to 18 (was 20)
  • Threaded Volley (Q): Mana cost increased to 60/65/70/75/80 from 50/60/70/80/90, Worked Ground mana cost decreased to 20 (was 25/30/35/40/45), Monster damage changed to 35+ 10% AP per "rock" (was 170%)
  • Seismic Shove (W): Mana cost reduced to 40/30/20/10/0 (was 60/45/30/15/0)
  • Unraveled Earth (E): New: Monsters are always stunned for the maximum duration


  • Damnation (Passive): AP & Armor per soul increased to 1 (was 0.75)
  • Dark Passage (W): Shield increased to 60-180 (+2 per soul) (was 60-180 (+1 per soul))


  • Living Vengeance (Passive):Minion attack speed changed to 10-20 (+20% bonus AS) (was 10-20 (+15% bonus AS)), Champion AS increased to 40 (+40% bonus AS) (was 40 (+30% bonus AS))
  • Blighted Quiver (W): On-hit damage increased to 7-27 (+30%AP) (was 7-21 (+30%AP))

Ready to experience the updates for yourself?

Are you ready to experience the Patch updates yourself and go through the balance changes with your Champion? Buy LoL Riot Points, which will unlock those Champions right away (if you don't have them already) and allow you to customize them with skins. Or buy Special Bundles, these contain a little bit of everything! Buy your LoL Riot Pawns at Gamecardsdirect, the one-stop gift card shop!

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