Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Kazuya
- Play as Kazuya from Tekken
- DLC for Super Smash Brosh. Ultimate
- New character, level, tracks and more...
Did you know you can purchase games and add-ons at Gamecardsdirect? Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 10 Kazuya is now available online at Gamecardsdirect, the one-stop gift card shop. You can choose from different payment methods to pay for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 10 Kazuya. The code will then be sent to you via email. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 10 Kazuya was released on June 30 and is available as a download code for your Nintendo console.
Download SSBU Challenger Pack 10 Kazuya using a digital code
Once downloaded, the Kazuya Challenger Pack will be added to your Nintendo account. Purchase Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 10 Kazuya online at Gamecardsdirect, the one-stop gift card shop and receive the digital code in your mailbox right away! The extra content will be sent to you as a download code. Redeem your code immediately via the Nintendo eShop.
To redeem the Kazuya Challenger Pack download code, go to the Nintendo eShop, scroll down and select Redeem Code. Once redeemed, the SBU: Challenger Pack 10 Kazuya will be downloaded and added to your account.
About Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 10 Kazuya
Kazuya from the Tekken series joins the brawl! Kazuya has a large arsenal of special inputs. For his special attacks, he awakens the Devil Gene within him to assume his devil form. In dire situations, he can slip into a state of Rage and turn his chances on the battlefield around!
Kazuya's level is Mishima Dojo. The walls and ceiling protect you from K.O.'s... as long as they haven't been damaged yet! You can also enjoy a total of 39 new music tracks, including eight arrangements. Choose the one that will awaken your fighting spirit!
The Kazuya Challenger Pack will give players access to this DLC with extra content. The SBU: Challenger Pack 10 Kazuya contains:
- Fighter: Kazuya
- Level: Mishima Dojo
- Music: 39 tracks
- Smash ID icons: 3
- Spirits: Kazuya Mishima, Kazuya Mishima (with coat)
- Spirit board additions: other spirits from the Tekken series will be added in Ver. 12.0.0.
Every game has its own genre(s). That way you know what to expect from the game. SSBU: Challenger Pack 10 Kazuyais an Adventure/Simulation game, rated PEGI 12.
This game is published by Nintendo and available for download in the Nintendo eShop. You will need the full game of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate in order to play this content.
Kazuya's stage is Mishima Dojo. The walls and ceiling offer protection from KOs - that is, until they're broken! You can also enjoy a whopping 39 new tracks, including eight song arrangements. Find your favourites and pump up your fighting spirit!
This DLC Challenger Pack includes
・ Fighter: Kazuya
・ Stage: Mishima Dojo
・ Music: 39 tracks (*1)
・ Smash tag icons: 3
・ Spirits: Kazuya Mishima, Kazuya Mishima (Coat) (*2)
・ Spirit Board additions: Other spirits from the Tekken series added in Ver. 12.0.0. (*3) (*4)
*1 Can be found in Vault → Sounds after purchase.
*2 Can be collected via Classic Mode or the Shop on the Vault menu after purchase.
*3 These new spirits are also available free of charge from Vault → Shop.
*4 Check the "Software update available: Ver. 12.0.0" news update for details on the new spirits.
Terms and conditions
Redeem instructions
Nintendo Switch Game download:
- Navigate to Nintendo eShop from the HOME Menu on your Nintendo Switch.
- Click on MENU.
- Please then choose DOWNLOADCODE INSERT.
- enter the download code of sixteen characters and confirm with OKÉ.
You're done, the game will now be downloaded to your Nintendo Switch Console. The download time can vary and depends on your internet connection.
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