Fortnite V-Bucks
Click on one of the buttons and you will immediately be transfered to the right page to get your Fortnite V-Bucks!
Did you know that?
You can use PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo and App Store credit to buy Overwatch Loot Boxes? This way you can pay for any in-game content using V-Bucks!
V-Bucks for PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo
Are you familiar yet with Fortnite V-Bucks for Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation and Apple devices? V-Bucks is the in-game currency used in the ultimate multiplayer game Fortnite. This game is not done expanding, because there are still many new options being added to the game, which will help Fortnite continue to grow for years to come. With all the custom options you can get using Fortnite V-Bucks, you can play this game the way you like it. Game on!

So, what are V-Bucks really?
The game Fortnite uses an in-game currency, which is money you can use to purchase items, tenues, gliders and even new characters in the game. This currency is called ‘V-Bucks’. In Fortnite you get a Fortnite Piñata, comparable to a loot box in other similar games, as a reward for achievements. These Piñatas are full of extras like items, weaponry, and now and then even a brand new character. But what if you did not have to earn these Piñatas, and instead could just buy them? With V-Bucks you can purchase anything in Fortnite without having to wait for it because you can get them right away! Click on one of the buttons on the right with the console on which you would like to purchase V-Bucks: Xbox, PlayStation, Apple or Nintendo. Buy a gift card and exchange it for V-Bucks in Fortnite and get shopping!
Two different game modes in Fortnite
You can use V-Bucks in the paid Save the World game mode, but also in the free Battle Royal mode in Fortnite. In Battle Royale, V-Bucks can be used to buy a Premium Battle Pass for the current season, which hsa 100 tiers to achieve and 100 rewards to get. In the Save the World version of this game, you can purchase Llama Piñatas, in which you will find card decks, weapons and new characters. Please note that items purchased in Battle Royale and Save the World are not interchangeable, as Battle Royal is free-to-play and Save the World a paid game mode.

Order as many V-Bucks as you need!
Buying V-Bucks for your PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo or Apple device in our webshop is quick and easy. You get the number of V-Bucks you would like in the shape of a PSN Card, Xbox Gift Card, Nintendo eShop Card or an App Store & iTunes Card, depending on the device you have. You can increase the balance of your account and spend it on V-Bucks to purchase various items in Fortnite.
How to purchase Fortnite V-Bucks
- Purchase PSN Cards, Xbox Gift Cards, Nintendo eShop Cards or App Store & iTunes Cards in our webshop and use the store credit to purchase V-Bucks;
- Use the purchased gift code(s) to increase the store credit of your account;
- You can purchase various items like gliders and game characters in Fortnite with your new credit.