Starfield is one of the most awaited games of the year. Made by Bethesda, the creators of Skyrim and Fallout 4, it’s an epic-scale RPG set in space with an emphasis on player freedom and customization. Originally scheduled for November 2022, its release has been postponed twice: first to early 2023, now the date is set for September 6th. Let’s have a look at how the game will be!
While previous Bethesda works like Skyrim and Fallout 4 are available on all gaming platforms, the studio acquisition by Microsoft means that their future games will be Xbox (and PC) exclusive. That is the case with Starfield, which will only be available on the Xbox (Series X, where it will run at full 4K - 30fps, and Series S at 1440p - 30fps) and Windows (up to 4K - 60fps). Both versions will be on sale here at Gamecardsdirect on the day of release. Starfield will also be included in the Game Pass library from Day 1, something we’re sure will make many players very happy. A PlayStation release is not planned, and while there may be hope that things could change in the future we wouldn’t hold our breath for it to happen.
No, this is not Star Trek and players will not boldly go where no man has gone before. The story takes place in the year 2330 in the so-called “Settled Systems”, clusters of colonized worlds in a radius of 50 light years from Earth. Not much of the plot is known yet, as the developer keeps it a closely guarded secret. What we know is that two of the largest factions, the United Colonies and the Freestar Collective, have been at war for a long time for territorial control.
Players will create their character and play as members of Constellation, an organization of space explorers united by the wish to answer the ultimate question: “What’s out there?”. In true Skyrim fashion, players will be able to join a number of different factions during the story, like the space pirates of the Crimson Fleet or the religious group called Sanctum Universum. Be careful, though! Being part of a faction can -and will- alter the way NPCs react to you and may put you at odds with people and groups that would otherwise be friendly. Make your choices and suffer the consequences!
Many RPG fans will have spent dozens -if not hundreds- of hours playing Skyrim and Fallout, doing all the available quests and exploring every nook and cranny. They will be glad to know that Starfield’s main quest alone is over 20% bigger than the aforementioned games, and with over 100 solar systems and 1000 explorable planets we are sure the side quests will be nearly endless. Be also prepared to spend a lot of time in conversation: according to the developer, Starfield has over FOUR times as much dialogue as Skyrim. May be a good idea to spend a few points on any skill that opens up dialogue options if you want to explore all the possible outcomes.
As in previous games, the world -no, the Space- is your oyster: you can go where you want, do where you want, and live your adventure the way you choose. There will be wide open spaces to explore, settlements of all kinds, space flight (where you can pilot your own ship) and gun fights, enemies of all kinds and plenty of mysteries to solve. If you want to. Which you do.
Space exploration plays a big role in Starfield, and you can do it by piloting your own ship. Which is not just any old ship: vendors all around the clusters sell a myriad of different starship parts in all shapes and sizes, each with its own specs. So, if you feel so inclined, you can design your very own ship with the characteristics you prefer. You may make a huge freight vessel, or a sturdy tank able to survive anything, or a destroyer capable of obliterating anything in its path. You can also select your parts to create specific shapes: early builds of the game already showed ships shaped like a giant mecha, or like animals. So if you want to travel around in the Millennium Falcon, the Enterprise or the Yamato, it’s really up to you.
Starfield is scheduled for release on September 6th, 2023 on Xbox and PC. If you would like to buy the game, you can do that safely and securely here at Gamecardsdirect, the one-stop gift card shop! Alternatively, you can buy gift codes here to obtain the game in stores such as Steam and Xbox!